Open Media Legal Hack

October 3, 2018

On Sunday, October 28th, join us at the MIT Media Lab for a day-long  legal and technology hackathon to learn about and develop solutions for musicians and artists to control their digital works. In collaboration with the Open Music Initiative and Legal Hackers chapters around the world, this distributed event will happen in venues across the word (San Francisco, New York, Tokyo, Kansas City, Dallas, DC, Vienna, San Paulo and other venues throughout the month of October, culminating with the legal hackathon at MIT. Learn more at

Event Tracks

The event includes three tracks:

  • the learning track for lectures, panels and tutorials, 
  • the discussion track for small group focused conversations
  • the hacking track for team-based rapid project development

Learn about the Music Modernization Act, enacted by Congress a few days ago,  and how it enables novel business models and legal frameworks that can transform the music and media industry through innovative technologies.   

Through the month of October, we are collecting key challenges and ideas from experts and the broader communities to seed discussion and creative work by small teams at the event.  At the end of the event, all of the project demos and other presentations will be published to a digital media gallery, that will be freely available and accessible to all through OpenMedia.Space and  

The event is free and open to all.  To participate, signup at: For more information, reach out to Dazza Greenwood (


Learn about the Music Modernization Act, enacted by Congress a few days ago,  and how it enables novel business models and legal frameworks that can transform the music and media industry through innovative technologies.   Specifically, this new statute established a publicly accessible database for song ownership information and creation of a single licensing entity called the "Mechanical Licensing Collective" to administer mechanical rights and royalties for musical works. 

Learn more at:

Learn about open source smart/legal contract and blockchain-based data analytics tools you can use to hack the law for open music and media (including short "how-to" videos we have made with the project teams for each tool) at: including: