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Launching This Fall: MIT Computational Law Report
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Participatory discussion with the San Francisco Mechanism Design Working Group on February 12th, 2019.
* Direct link to video:
On Sunday, October 28th, join us at the MIT Media Lab for a day-long legal and technology hackathon to learn about and develop solutions for musicians and artists to control their digital works. In collaboration with the Open Music Initiative and...
Dazza Greenwood will be the opening keynote speaker in Hong Kong on February 1st, 2018, immediately following the NextMoney conference. Check out the event slides for...
Slides and Notes of Dazza Greenwood presentation on...
Join Dazza Greenwood for a flashtalk and small group discussion on the topic “Identity & Personal Data as an Asset Class” at the Venture Cafe "FinTechConnect" mini-conferenceon on August 31st, 6:00 - 6:...
Readings for "Future Law" course at MIT Media Lab, Fall 2017
"Reimagining Rules & Legal Services in light of Novel Technologies & Enabled Code"
Convened by on July 24, 2017 at the MIT Media Lab
...Today we are launching an MIT Human Dynamics Lab computational law research project to provide individuals a digital "Core Identity" of their own. This project aims to rapidly prototype a blockchain enabled individual identity and digital signature open source application. This prototype will...
The Black Mirror Legal Discussion Group is launching this spring of 2017. We are delighted to be collaborating on this creative use of contemporary media with friend, local colleague and legal technology national thought leader Professor Gabriel Teninbaum, of Suffolk University Law School...
Excerpt of a talk by Richard Susskind at Harvard Law School today on the topic "Upgrading Justice" with next-gen technology and old-school common sense:
Upgrading Justice - Excerpt of a talk by Richard...
Dazza Greenwood popped in on Pip Ryan today to wish her well on the first in-person gathering a new Blockchain focused Meetup she is organizing.
As part of the 2017 MIT/IAP Computational Law course, we held a special 2-day workshop exploring issues and options for using VR to understand and work with data and analytics. ...
The upcoming 2017 MIT/IAP Legal Analytics Workshop will include a module on "E-Discovery and Predictive Coding" to be taught Jason Baron (see: For more information on the workshop series, see: ...
Invited Legal Hackers Lightning Talk:
"The Future of Law: AI-assisted Utopia or Jobless Robot Hellscape?"
We were pleased to host at the Media Lab Michael Simon's Legal...
Democracy 2.0: What can lawmakers learn from lean software development?
Watch Live: ...
On December 30th, 2016, Dazza Greenwood and invited guest lecturer Kathryn Hume present "...
The research team provided an update to MIT Human Dynamics Lab today, spotlighting current work on prototyping a blockchain enabled Automated Loan Fund providing valid identity, enforceable contracts and legal notices. Many thanks to collaborators Dan Buchner of Microsoft and Mark...
President Obama and MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito thoughtfully discussing policy challenges arising from increasing rate of AI advancements. The legal and regulatory implication bubble directly below the surface.
Update: Follow the official proceedings at and we will maintain the information on the event blog post (below) to preserve context.
In collaboration with MIT artist and graduate student ...
This is a paceholder page for work on the topic of Legal Analytics.
The Blockchain Border Bank project was presented on September 29, 2016 to the MIT Sloan School of Management Entrepreneurship Without Borders class taught by Simon Johnson, Michael Casey and Brian Forde.
The goal of the...
Open Algorithms are becoming "a thing" and this new approach to applied math is transforming a entire set of legal issues. MIT Media Lab research scientist and collaborator John Clippinger has demonstrated how ...
Official Launch of the Legal Analytics Joint Working Group
At the American Bar Association Business Law Section Annual Meeting
The team is proud to announce a the emergence of a new collaboration with our friends and colleagues at Blockchain Canada! ...
Join us for a friendly competition to show off your approach to using blockchain to conduct payments and other transactions.
This competititve showcase is part of the Electronic Transactions Association's ...
Providing Basic Identity and Economic Independence
The Blockchain Border Bank project aims to rapidly prototype an integrated business, legal and technical approach to provide valid, usable identity and access to enduring economic independence for those who need it most. The prototype...
This page is for the hangout series leading up to the the Distributed Health Conference, on October 3, 2016 in Nashville, TN!
2015-09-09 UPDATE: Today, MIT/law pubished an overview of the goals, high level success criteria and plan for an autumn sprint in the our LegalEntity GitHub organization here.
What if the event hosts on the list compiled by Robert Richards (at could publish and update their...
Digital Identities, Contracts and Blockchains Conference
We'll have materials posted here to look at during Media Ventures class Thursday, April 21, 2016
Class Notes:
The W3C is convening the first "Blockchains and the Web" workshop at the MIT Media Lab on June 29+30, 2016. This workshop will explore issue and options for developing...
Algorithmic law, legal aspects of blockchain enabled automation and related topics are hot. Based on the surge of links coming our way, the topic is getting even hotter. Here is our informal, running listing of significant events, publications and other relevant links.
...Through the months of April and May, 2016, the MIT Human Dynamics Lab will be actively exploring the topic: Business, Law and Social Technologies. Stay tuned for ways you can contribute ideas or key questions and for the results of our research, development and engagement activities on this...
Friends Melissa D'Anello and Tim Burke from the Harvard Kennedy School visited the MIT Media Lab to join the Computable_Law discussion group and invite the...
The project is a collaboration with Brooklyn Law School exploring use of online participatory on a Citizens’ Charter for Cyberspace. The site debuted at and used to help facilitate the panel discussion: ...
Today at the annual conference on Computer Aided Legal Instruction a live hangout session anchored the launch of an online participatory process to discuss, design and develop the first CALI hackathon! The initial open dialog process is now active and accessible...
Today at the Law Schools, Technology, & Access to Law and Justice conference at the Kauffman Center, organized by the UMKC Law School, Kansas City, Missouri's Rick Usher and MIT's Dazza Greenwood discussed a planned open forum on issues and...
April 22, 2015 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time, Dazza Greenwood, of MIT spoke with Jason Thomas of Thomson Reuters, an international thought leader on crowdsourcing, social data, virtual environments, digital currencies and mobile applications in the context of national security and intelligence. The...
Join us in a novel collaboration with the American Bar Association Techshow for the "Online Legal Appathon" and innovate the field, practice and service of law. You can be a
Learn to use an array of open source and other...
This project was originally created by Brooklyn Law School's BLIP Clinic and in collaboration has been taken to the next level at the CodeAcrossBoston Event at the MIT Media Lab on February 21-22, 2015
Ongoing Work on FirstToDisclose Project
February 4th, 2015 Joint session with UMKC Law School and Brookly Law School "BLIP CLINIC" Class. Alpha Launch Google Hangout for
Join at:...
CodeAcross information
Update: May 6, 2015 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Video Overview
During the weekend of ...
Call for buildable conceptual frameworks, proposed prototype projects or other testable approaches: Initial...
This week at the MIT Media Lab legal and policy innovators working on cryptocurrency and other blockchain based technologies met to discuss the state of this dynamic emergent field.
MIT Legal Physics Keynote:
David Zvenyach on...
Hack for Justice with the team at the Hackcess to Justice Legal Hackathon in Boston August 7/8!
Developing a Next Generation Collaborative Cloud-Based FlowScape
The Legal Physics Research Team is embarking on a new REST-based integration drive to take and related personal media and idea flow to the next level. The general concept is described on...
There are many facets of the law to which data science and computational legal science methods can be applies and many aspects of such science that can be applied to any given facet of the law. One of the promising entry...
MIT Legal Hackathon 2014 and the OpenLegalCode Project.
Save the Date: June 12-15, 2014.
Participate in person or online. We plan to open registration in May. In the meantime, we're chattering via our ...
The MIT Legal Hackathon is an online event June 12-15, 2014 convened by the Legal Research Team at Media Lab's Human Dynamics Group.
Live Discussion Session: April 3, 12:45pm Eastern Time
The MIT Big Data Privacy workgroup is tackling the hard questions of business, legal and technical frameworks needed to achieve the promise of big data while avoiding the perils. The workgroup is contributing to a national...
This Project is Now Published as an MIT IAP Project
As a founding member of the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group, MIT's delegates have contributed to design of governance as well as technical and substantive policy making for this NSTIC initiative. Today, the IDESG is considering how and when to incorporate in order to formalize the...
Sandy Pentland will address the NSTIC IDESG Plenary on the topic "Trusted Identities for a New Deal on Data"
For more information please check back here in the coming days.
The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace will hold it's Plenary meeting for the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group at the MIT Media Lab this July 24-26, 2013. For more information about these meeting and this group, please consult their...
ID Commons, a user-centered identity non-profit umbrella group (best know for the Internet Identity [Un]Workshop), is also notable for advancing an innovative corporate entity form called "...
The resarch article "Towards a Trustworthy Digital Infrastructure for Core Identities and Personal Data Stores" authored by Professor Sandy Pentland...
Slides, Video and Related Materials To Be Posted Here.
This is the Official MIT eCitizen Design Challenge page for the Sensible-Data Platform for computational social science.
For up to date information and to engage check out our Design Challenge live blog site.
Yesterday, Mozilla Persona launched at after a preliminary beta period. With this new tool you only need one password to sign in to many sites. But when you dig deeper, it is clear this is not quite the same as using...
The research initiative is organizing an online Mock Trial on federated identity and personal data sharing case this summer, 2013. For more information, check back on this page and join our contact list.
Joi Ito is being interviewed now at the Media Lab (like right now, I'm sitting in the audience) with the BBC and, well, with the World. BBC includes questions and comments in real time from their Facebook and Twitter feeds. Appropriately, all the Internet soured feedback and contribution is...
The research initiative at the Media Lab is teaming up again with our friends at MIT's Kerberos and Internet Trust Consortium (MIT-KIT) to develop open source solutions for next generation user-controlled resource sharing. Below is the summer student project posting by the MIT-...
Place holder for the New Media Venture spring 2013 semester project to develop open, public architecture for eCitizen identity and data sharing in public/private partnership context.
For more information, reach out to us at our contact page....
The Media Lab Mixer
The Media Lab Mixer project is encouraging and measuring person-to-personal socializing among members of the MIT Media Lab this semester... and the results are both promising and raise a set of new important questions.
The project is an initiative of...
We will be running a "Legal/Technical Integration" track at the MIT Media Lab's upcoming Personal Data and Trust Framework Hackathon to be held from January 28 through Feb 1st. Specifically, concurrent design and agile development of applied MIT Model Rules (aka System Rules and contracts) and...
The below video was generated as part of discussion and collaboration among a cross-disciplarary team at the MIT Media Lab's Human Dynamics group for the purpose of providing more background and context underlying the research focus on integrating business, legal and technical...
Updated June 20, 2013 - The current draft versions of the MIT Model System Rules and associated documents are available at with relevant documentation at our Wiki:...
MIT, as a member of the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group (IDESG), has actively participated with a large group of other IDESG members on the revision of governance documents for that group. The IDESG is the governing body created to implement the National Strategy for Trusted Identities is...
Initial Draft for Comment: Personal Data Trust Framework System Rules
The MIT Media Lab's Human Dynamics group, in collaboration with partner institutions, is pursuing a innovating initiative to...
This page is coming soon...
More information on this project is currently available at: