Digital Identity Working Sessions

May 30, 2017

Exploring Individual Digital Identity

Working Sessions & Roundtables

Convened by on July 24, 2017 at the MIT Media Lab

Please join us at MIT Media Lab on July 24th to explore the key ideas, new technologies and core questions driving "FutureIdentity" in Unconference-style small group working sessions and special Roundable-style facilitated panel discussions.  



We will explore key issues and opportunities presented by emerging powerful new digital identity technologies from cross-disciplinary and future-looking vantage points.  We will ground small group discussions with an overview of what these technologies are and examples of how they being applied across the economy and sociaty.  Special focus will be afforded to business models, governance and legal/regulatory issues and implications of the technologies.   Key technology focus areas include:

  • Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers
  • Web-Based Crypography and Data Sharing
  • Big Data Analytics and Autonomous System
  • Biometric Contactless Authentication


This unconference style event consists of lightning talks on a series of key topics followed by small-group breakout sessions.  The entire group of participants in this event meet at the start of the day to set the stage and learn about small group working sessions they can join.  The entire group meets again during the lunch period and at the end of the day to hear and discuss report-outs from the small group working  sessions.  The extended lunch period provides time for particpants to mingle informally and offers optional Roundtable Panel Disscussions, curated in advance and facilitated around key topics. 

A special question is included as part of the EventBrite RSVP for you to propose leading a Working Session on a relevant topic you want to lead or faciliate.  Selected topics will be added to the program.

AGENDA: Current Program and Schedule:

TOPICS: Current Proposed Working Sessions:


The key objective of this unconference is to bring together people and organizations involved with the emergence of powerful new digital identity technologies and to catalyze creative, collaborative discussion and innovative idea flow.  

We intend to work through issues related to digital sovereign identity and how this relates to digital ledgers. There will be working sessions where ideas, projects, use cases, ethics, biometrics and code are dissected. In an effort toward a more enfranchising and verdant world, blockchain can be a useful tool. In order to realize this potential we come together to uncover the details of what currently exists and better understand how to shape the path to implementation.


For more information about this event or to explore ways you can get involved, contact  

Note: We hope everybody who wishes to attend or to lead a working session will be able to do so.  Unfortunately, our space and resources are limited so it may become necessary to create a waiting list.  We will be in contact with everybody who provides an RSVP to this EventBrite. 

Register on EventBrite: